Workflow Installation

  • Open Terminal

  • Navigate to the directory where cQube_Workflow has been downloaded or cloned

  - cd cQube_Workflow/work_deploy/
  - git checkout release-3.3
  • Configuration of infrastructure attributes, indices and metrics

    • Based on the number of infrastructure attributes required by the state, configure the infrastructure report by filling the required fields in the infrastructure_master.csv file

    • Edit the file in the below mentioned location

  - cd cQube_Workflow/development/datasource/infra/postgres/
  - nano infrastructure_master.csv
  - save and close the file
  • Based on the modification of infrastructure_master.csv modify the infra_parameters.txt file also.

  • Edit the file in the below mentioned location

  - cd /cQube_Workflow/development/datasource/infra/nifi/
  - nano infra_parameters.txt
  - save and close the file
  • Configuration of UDISE attributes, indices and metrics

    • Based on the number of udise attributes required by the state, configure the udise_config.csv file by filling the required fields in the file udise_config.csv:

    • Edit the file in the below mentioned location

   - cd cQube_Workflow/development/datasource/udise/postgres/
   - nano udise_config.csv
   - save and close the file
  • For more information to configure the weights & columns for udise/infrastructure, please refer to the operational document.

  • Configuration of diksha_parameters.txt

    Update the diksha parameters(diksha_api_progress_exhaust_api_token, diksha_api_progress_exhaust_batch_id_list, diksha_api_progress_exhaust_dataset, diksha_api_progress_exhaust_encryption_key, diksha_api_progress_exhaust_x_channel_id, diksha_api_summary_roll_up_api_token, diksha_api_summary_roll_up_x_channel_id,diksha_api_url_progress_exhaust, diksha_api_url_summary_roll_up, diksha_tpd_encryption)

    File directory:

   - cd cQube_Workflow/development/datasource/diksha/nifi/
   - nano diksha_parameters.txt
   - save and close the file
  • Copy the config.yml.template to config.yml in the cQube_Workflow/work_deploy/education_usecase/

  - cd cQube_Workflow/work_deploy/education_usecase/
  - cp config.yml.template config.yml
  • Edit the config.yml file using the below command

  - nano config.yml
  • Fill the below details in the config.yml file

# cQube Installation configuration parameters
#NOTE: Please fill the value with a space between ":" and the value. 
#Example-   `system_user_name: ubuntu`
base_dir: /opt  # provide the absolute path where cqube needs to be installed and served. Eg. /opt  ( in this case cqube will be installed under /opt/cqube)
state_code:        # Enter the 2 character (upper case) state code for which cQube is being deployed. Please refer to the state_list file. 
# Diksha Columns
#Enter the value as `true`,  if content_gradelevel & collection_gradelevel columns are available.
#Enter the value as `false`, if content_gradelevel & collection_gradelevel columns are not available.
diksha_columns: false                    # Enter true or false. 
static_datasource:                       # Enter udise or state
management:                              # Enter the management
session_timeout: 7D      # enter the value between 30 Minutes to 3650 Days. Eg. For minutes `60M`  Eg. For days `15D`. Make sure M and D should be mentioned upper case.
map_name: leafletmap              # Enter the map_name ( mapmyindia or googlemap or leafletmap )
google_api_key: remove_this_key_value     # Enter the google_api_key  here (if you selected map_name as googlemap replace `remove_this_key_value` with the actual googlemaps api key )
theme:                     # Enter the theme ( theme1 or theme2 or theme3 )
slab1:                  #Enter slab1 value between 1-100 ( eg: slab1: 33  )
slab2:                  #Enter slab2 value range is greater than slab1 and between 1-100 ( eg: slab2: 33-60 ) 
slab3:             #Enter slab3 value range is greater than slab2 and between 1-100 ( eg: slab3: 60-75 ) 
slab4:           #Enter slab4 value is greater than or equal to slab3 last value between 1-100 ( eg: slab4 75 ) 
  • Give the following permission to the file and Start the installation by running shell script file as mentioned below

  - chmod u+x
  - sudo ./

Last updated

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