
  • Adopter - Leadership / Decision Makers who plan to and leverage cQube Ed

  • Domain - Area of interest and expertise that we are working on (e.g., Health, Education, etc.)

  • Input Sources - Data sources used by adopters (e.g., Database, Google Sheets, Excel, CSV, adopter applications)

  • Management Information System (MIS) - Data store containing raw data of adopter organizations to generate events

  • Ingestion - System where data from input sources is received as the first step

  • Adapter - Generates events from MIS or other input sources and pushes them to cQube Ed through an API

  • Dataset - High-level data computed by aggregating events, representing indicators. Persistent within cQube Ed.

  • Indicator - Visual representation of one or more datasets (e.g., District-wise average attendance %)

  • Event - Data structure recording an occurrence at a specific time for an entity. Contains simple data types and helps calculate indicators.

  • Allowed Data Types - SQL compliant data types for numerical, date and time, character and string, and unicode character string data.

  • PII - Personal Identifiable Information

  • Data Processing - Involves transforming events into data that updates datasets and updating datasets in cQube Ed.

  • Dimension - Describes events and is used for processing.

  • Transformer - Operation or function that processes events and dimensions into a dataset.

  • Visualization - Functional block for rendering data.

  • Charts - Single sheet of information presented as a table, graph, or diagram.

  • Dashboard - Collection of charts.

  • Dashboard Organizer - WYSIWYG editor for placing charts in a dashboard.

  • Insight - Actionable comprehension of certain data and visualizations.

  • Action Adapters - Written communication to disseminate information and encourage specific actions.

  • Plugins - External or internal components adding functionality to cQube Ed through APIs.

Last updated

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